# check current config
plutil -p /Library/LaunchAgents/
# apply new values
sudo plutil -replace Disabled -integer 1 /Library/LaunchAgents/
sudo plutil -replace RunAtLoad -integer 0 /Library/LaunchAgents/
sudo plutil -replace StartInterval -integer 10368000 /Library/LaunchAgents/
# check new config
plutil -p /Library/LaunchAgents/
will check later.
Turn off Microsoft apps ‘Microsoft AutoUpdate’ app on a Mac
Microsoft used to just do a system notification you could easily disable. Now they launch the Microsoft AutoUpdate program process once per day.This interrupts whatever you are doing to put the fo...
What Is Microsoft AutoUpdate on Mac and How to Delete It
Is Microsoft AutoUpdate sending non-stop notifications and causing a high CPU load? Read this explainer about Microsoft AutoUpdate and how you can delete it from your Mac.