最终达成的效果:在任何有网络的地方,以本地通话的方式 拨打电话(use-n1-call-as-local-when-aboard)。
硬件有:N1+Huawei E156G 3G上网卡
坑1: N1有线不能上网:需要编辑U盘根目录下的uEnv.ini文件,设置:dtb_name=/dtb/meson-gxl-s905d-phicomm-n1.dtb
参考文章:https://wiki.freepbx.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=171016249 我把文章内容复制过来,把坑填一填:
Step-by-step guide
All commands are to be run as the root user, either by directly logging in as root or by using sudo su -
Start from a base Debian 10 installation. All necessary packages will be installed through the following commands.
Prerequisite recommended OS update
Add the backports repo specifically so that the odbc-mariadb package is available. Then update the OS to current.
echo deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ buster-backports main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list
echo deb-src http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ buster-backports main >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
Install all the necessary packages
apt-get install -y build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r` openssh-server apache2 mariadb-server mariadb-client bison flex php php-curl php-cli php-pdo php-mysql php-pear php-gd php-mbstring php-intl php-bcmath curl sox libncurses5-dev libssl-dev mpg123 libxml2-dev libnewt-dev sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev pkg-config automake libtool autoconf git unixodbc-dev uuid uuid-dev libasound2-dev libogg-dev libvorbis-dev libicu-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libical-dev libneon27-dev libsrtp2-dev libspandsp-dev sudo subversion libtool-bin python-dev unixodbc dirmngr sendmail-bin sendmail asterisk debhelper-compat cmake libmariadb-dev odbc-mariadb php-ldap
这里linux-headers-`uname -r`
使用apt search inux-headers
- linux-headers-arm64
- linux-headers-current-arm64
Install Node.js
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_11.x | sudo -E bash -
apt-get install -y nodejs
Install this required Pear module
pear install Console_Getopt
Prepare Asterisk
systemctl stop asterisk
systemctl disable asterisk
cd /etc/asterisk
mkdir DIST
mv * DIST
cp DIST/asterisk.conf .
sed -i 's/(!)//' asterisk.conf
这句话不要执行,不然会遇到Checking if Asterisk is running and we can talk to it as the 'asterisk' user...Error!touch modules.conf
touch cdr.conf
Configure Apache web server
sed -i 's/\(^upload_max_filesize = \).*/\120M/' /etc/php/7.3/apache2/php.ini
sed -i 's/\(^memory_limit = \).*/\1256M/' /etc/php/7.3/apache2/php.ini
sed -i 's/^\(User\|Group\).*/\1 asterisk/' /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
sed -i 's/AllowOverride None/AllowOverride All/' /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
a2enmod rewrite
service apache2 restart
rm /var/www/html/index.html
这里安装后不是7.3而是7.0 这些应该是增强php和apache的配置(可选)
Configure ODBC
cat <<EOF > /etc/odbcinst.ini
Description = ODBC for MySQL (MariaDB)
Driver = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/libmaodbc.so
FileUsage = 1
注意:这里Driver需要改为 /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libmariadb.so,且需要重新安装odbc-mariadb, 参考文章:https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?t=324955
cd /usr/src
git clone https://github.com/MariaDB/mariadb-connector-odbc.git
cd mariadb-connector-odbc
git checkout tags/3.1.15
mkdir build
cd build
if [ "$(uname -m)" = "aarch64" ]; then
cmake --build . --config Release
make install
如有需要,安装下面的debhelper-compat # https://debian.pkgs.org/10/debian-main-arm64/debhelper_12.1.1_all.deb.html
apt-get install debhelper
cat <<EOF > /etc/odbc.ini
Description = MySQL connection to 'asteriskcdrdb' database
Driver = MySQL
Server = localhost
Database = asteriskcdrdb
Port = 3306
Socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
Option = 3
Download FFMPEG static build for sound file manipulation忽略不做!
cd /usr/local/src
wget "https://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/releases/ffmpeg-release-amd64-static.tar.xz"
tar xf ffmpeg-release-amd64-static.tar.xz
cd ffmpeg-4*
mv ffmpeg /usr/local/bin
Install FreePBX
cd /usr/local/src
wget http://mirror.freepbx.org/modules/packages/freepbx/freepbx-15.0-latest.tgz
tar zxvf freepbx-15.0-latest.tgz
cd /usr/local/src/freepbx/
./start_asterisk start
./install -n
Get the rest of the modules忽略不做!
Only a very basic system is installed at this point. You will probably want to install all the modules. Alternatively, you can skip this and pick-and-choose the individual modules you want later.
fwconsole ma installall
Uninstall digium_phones忽略不做!
Broken with PHP 7.3 (April 2020).
fwconsole ma uninstall digium_phones
Apply the current configuration
fwconsole reload
Set symlinks to the correct sound files
cd /usr/share/asterisk
mv sounds sounds-DIST
ln -s /var/lib/asterisk/sounds sounds
Perform a restart to load all Asterisk modules that had not yet been configured
fwconsole restart
Set up systemd (startup script)
cat <<EOF > /etc/systemd/system/freepbx.service
Description=FreePBX VoIP Server
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/fwconsole start -q
ExecStop=/usr/sbin/fwconsole stop -q
EOFsystemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable freepbx
Asterisk and FreePBX 15 are installed! Go to the web interface at http://YOUR-IP to finish setup.
安装chan_dongle.so : https://github.com/wdoekes/asterisk-chan-dongle
apt install asterisk-dev
cd /usr/local/src
git clone https://github.com/wdoekes/asterisk-chan-dongle.git
cd asterisk-chan-dongle
./configure --with-astversion=13.14.1
#注意版本且不需要添加 --with-asterisk=/usr/include/asterisk/ 否则会报 configure: error: sqlite3.h header file missing
make install
aml*CLI> module show like dongle
Module Description Use Count Status Support Level
chan_dongle.so Huawei 3G Dongle Channel Driver 0 Not Running extended
[2022-05-28 08:27:33] ERROR[7696]: chan_dongle.c:1799 public_state_init: Errors reading config file dongle.conf, Not loading module
touch /etc/asterisk/extensions_custom.conf
vi /etc/asterisk/extensions_custom.conf
exten => sms,1,Verbose(Incoming SMS from ${CALLERID(num)} ${BASE64_DECODE(${SMS_BASE64})})
exten => sms,n,System(wget -O/dev/null -q "https://api.day.app/xEKxxxxX5JUfS/${REPLACE(BASE64_DECODE(${SMS_BASE64}),'/', '-')}${CALLERID(num)}?sound=bell&group=voip2")
exten => sms,n,Set(FILE(/var/log/asterisk/sms.txt,,,a)=${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)} - ${DONGLENAME} - ${CALLERID(num)}: ${BASE64_DECODE(${SMS_BASE64})})
exten => sms,n,System(echo >> /var/log/asterisk/sms.txt)
exten => sms,n,Hangup()
exten => _.,1,Set(CALLERID(name)=${CALLERID(num)})
exten => _.,n,Goto(from-trunk,${EXTEN},1)
chan_dongle.c:229 opentty: unable to open /dev/ttyUSB2: Permission denied :
chmod 666 /dev/ttyUsb*
vi ./extensions_additional.conf
exten => s,n,System(wget -O/dev/null -q "https://api.day.app/xEKHDxxxxxfS/callFrom-${CALLERID(num)}?sound=bell&group=nus")
dongle 配置文件:从RasPBX复制过来的,只增加最后三行,正常运行的dongle会有3个Usb,比如0,1,2,插2个的话,就是3,4,5.
cat /etc/asterisk/dongle.conf
interval=15 ; Number of seconds between trying to connect to devices
;------------------------------ JITTER BUFFER CONFIGURATION --------------------------
;jbenable = yes ; Enables the use of a jitterbuffer on the receiving side of a
; Dongle channel. Defaults to "no". An enabled jitterbuffer will
; be used only if the sending side can create and the receiving
; side can not accept jitter. The Dongle channel can't accept jitter,
; thus an enabled jitterbuffer on the receive Dongle side will always
; be used if the sending side can create jitter.
;jbforce = no ; Forces the use of a jitterbuffer on the receive side of a Dongle
; channel. Defaults to "no".
;jbmaxsize = 200 ; Max length of the jitterbuffer in milliseconds.
;jbresyncthreshold = 1000 ; Jump in the frame timestamps over which the jitterbuffer is
; resynchronized. Useful to improve the quality of the voice, with
; big jumps in/broken timestamps, usually sent from exotic devices
; and programs. Defaults to 1000.
;jbimpl = fixed ; Jitterbuffer implementation, used on the receiving side of a Dongle
; channel. Two implementations are currently available - "fixed"
; (with size always equals to jbmaxsize) and "adaptive" (with
; variable size, actually the new jb of IAX2). Defaults to fixed.
;jbtargetextra = 40 ; This option only affects the jb when 'jbimpl = adaptive' is set.
; The option represents the number of milliseconds by which the new jitter buffer
; will pad its size. the default is 40, so without modification, the new
; jitter buffer will set its size to the jitter value plus 40 milliseconds.
; increasing this value may help if your network normally has low jitter,
; but occasionally has spikes.
;jblog = no ; Enables jitterbuffer frame logging. Defaults to "no".
; now you can set here any not required device settings as template
; sure you can overwrite in any [device] section this default values
context=from-trunk-dongle ; context for incoming calls
group=0 ; calling group
rxgain=0 ; increase the incoming volume; may be negative
txgain=0 ; increase the outgoint volume; may be negative
autodeletesms=yes ; auto delete incoming sms
resetdongle=yes ; reset dongle during initialization with ATZ command
u2diag=-1 ; set ^U2DIAG parameter on device (0 = disable everything except modem function) ; -1 not use ^U2DIAG command
usecallingpres=yes ; use the caller ID presentation or not
callingpres=allowed_passed_screen ; set caller ID presentation by default use default network settings
disablesms=no ; disable of SMS reading from device when received
; chan_dongle has currently a bug with SMS reception. When a SMS gets in during a
; call chan_dongle might crash. Enable this option to disable sms reception.
; default = no
language=en ; set channel default language
smsaspdu=yes ; if 'yes' send SMS in PDU mode, feature implementation incomplete and we strongly recommend say 'yes'
mindtmfgap=45 ; minimal interval from end of previews DTMF from begining of next in ms
mindtmfduration=80 ; minimal DTMF tone duration in ms
mindtmfinterval=200 ; minimal interval between ends of DTMF of same digits in ms
callwaiting=auto ; if 'yes' allow incoming calls waiting; by default use network settings
; if 'no' waiting calls just ignored
disable=no ; OBSOLETED by initstate: if 'yes' no load this device and just ignore this section
initstate=start ; specified initial state of device, must be one of 'stop' 'start' 'remote'
; 'remove' same as 'disable=yes'
exten=+1234567890 ; exten for start incoming calls, only in case of Subscriber Number not available!, also set to CALLERID(ndid)
dtmf=relax ; control of incoming DTMF detection, possible values:
; off - off DTMF tones detection, voice data passed to asterisk unaltered
; use this value for gateways or if not use DTMF for AVR or inside dialplan
; inband - do DTMF tones detection
; relax - like inband but with relaxdtmf option
; default is 'relax' by compatibility reason
; dongle required settings
audio=/dev/ttyUSB1 ; tty port for audio connection; no default value
data=/dev/ttyUSB2 ; tty port for AT commands; no default value
audio=/dev/ttyUSB4 ; tty port for audio connection; no default value
data=/dev/ttyUSB5 ; tty port for AT commands; no default value
configure: error: Can't find "asterisk.h"
$ apt install asterisk-dev
find . -name "asterisk.*" -type f
ls /usr/local/src/asterisk-
ls /usr/include/asterisk/asterisk.h
find . -name "autoconfig.h" -type f
configure: error: sqlite3.h header file missing
$ apt install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev
vi /etc/default/asterisk
vi /etc/selinux/config
set SELINUX=disabled
systemctl stop asterisk
systemctl enable asterisk
systemctl start asterisk # /usr/sbin/asterisk -g -f -U asterisk
systemctl status asterisk.service # /usr/sbin/asterisk -g -f -U asterisk
systemctl enable freepbx
find . -name "asterisk.*" -type f
find . -name "autoconfig.h" -type f
/etc/init.d/asterisk restart
$ which automake
$ automake --version
ls /usr/share/automake.1.11.1/config.guess
./configure --disable-xmldocs --build=aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
asterisk -rx 'dongle show devices'
asterisk -rx 'dongle reload now'
asterisk -rvvv
core restart now
module show like dongle
asterisk -cvvvvv
crontab -l
@reboot sleep 90 && chmod 666 /dev/ttyUSB* && asterisk -rx 'dongle reload now' && date >> /tmp/tty.log
如何配置: https://www.mubucm.com/doc/kp2R9UOypa
FreePBX - forgotten web admin password
At the failed login page, select all and you will see a session id that looks like this: 2nbkuaeta1t95pb5f8shd29rl5
From the CLI, fwconsole unlock <sessionid>